Much Hype has been granted to the US Stimulus package signed into law in March this year. One area of opportunity for homeowners that hasn't received much press is the new higher FHA limits in non- high cost states. The minimum limits for FHA loans in states and counties outside the high cost zones such as San Diego, Seattle, Miami, Los Angeles, etc have increased to $271,050. This is a $70K increase which can help many homeowners refinance out of adjustable rate mortgages, Subprime mortgages and other loans that may no longer be suitable for their family. For details on your area's new limits, visit this link "new loan limits" or just give us a call to discuss your options at 760-752-4480.
VanDyk Mortgage is a Full Eagle Direct Endorsement FHA Direct Lender. We have over 20 years in business Lending FHA loans direct to consumers. Call the experts.